Existing USI Search step by step
Existing USI Search
The ‘Existing USI Search’ tool is used to search and retrieve an existing USI for a student without having to match all personal and contact details exactly as they appear in the student’s USI account.
- If you have been having trouble verifying a student‘s USI, try this simplified search tool to help retrieve the correct USI information for your student.
- Or use this tool before creating a USI on behalf of a student to first determine if the student already has an existing USI. This will ensure training outcomes are recorded against the correct USI.
NOTE: If you are logging in via your own Student Management System (SMS), you will need to use the ‘Locate USI’ function.
Before using this tool have you
- Checked whether the student already has a USI?
- Asked the student if they completed study after 1 January 2015 but they don't know if they have a USI?
- Checked their name against their ID to make sure it is correct?
- Checked the name they are using now is the same as the one used to create their USI?
Using the tool
*Student permission is required to use this function.
- Log into the Organisation Portal.
- Select the Existing USI Search tile.
Select the checkbox to confirm you have permission from the student to locate their USI.
Note: Please be aware that using the 'Existing USI Search' / 'Locate USI' functions will generate a text message or email to the USI Account Holder notifying them that someone is trying to search for their USI.
- In the search screen you will need to enter the following personal details, which are mandatory:
- Family/Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- You will also need to enter at least ONE of the following Optional Criteria:
- First/Given Name
- Middle Name/s
- Mobile Phone
- Town/City of Birth
Remember to ask your student for the personal or contact details which were used to create or update their USI account.
Search Results
- If a unique match is found, the student’s USI will be displayed.
- If more than one USI record is found, a message will be displayed advising how many matching USI records have been found and you will then be asked to refine your search by inserting additional optional criteria.
- If there is no match or you entered the details incorrectly, a ‘No USI Record Found’ message will be displayed. You may need to contact your student to confirm the details used to create their USI.
- If they have a USI, but have forgotten it, you can direct them to the ‘Find your USI’ link on the USI website to retrieve their USI details. Once they have logged into their account, they will be able to grant permissions within the USI system which will enable you to view their details.