About VET transcripts
VET students can use their USI account to access their nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) record online in the form of an authenticated VET transcript.
Authenticated transcripts collate training outcomes in a single record. The transcript includes nationally recognised VET modules and qualifications completed since 1 January 2015. It does not show other forms of training or training completed before 2015.
The information in the VET transcript is based on the record of VET training completed through a nationally recognised training organisation.
Nationally recognised training organisations use the symbol to the right on their training certificates. The myskills website lists these organisations.
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More about USI VET transcripts
VET transcript service
The VET transcript service allows students to generate an online transcript which collates all VET training details reported to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) that are linked to the student’s USI.
It may also make enrolment processes, credit transfers, and entitlement assessments easier for students and training providers.
VET transcripts do not replace the qualifications or documentation issued by Registered Training Organisation.
Benefits of a VET transcript
A VET transcript has the same status as qualifications issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). It can be used for many things, including:
- for credit transfer purposes or demonstrating pre-requisites when undertaking further training
- as a useful backup if the original documentation is lost and cannot be replaced (for example, if the training provider is no longer operating)
- where duplicate documentation cannot be obtained from the training provider (for example, if the training provider is no longer operating)
- to provide qualifications to employers and licensing bodies
- to reduce unnecessary retraining that sometimes results from lost credentials.
Ways to access a VET transcript
A VET transcript can be:
- viewed by the student
- downloaded by the student (either in full or as an extract) as a document they can print or send
- viewed electronically and downloaded by education or training providers and other third parties that have been granted permission by the student.
No one can view a student’s VET transcript without the student’s permission. Only the RTO that delivered the training can make changes to the student’s training record by contacting NCVER.
What is in a VET transcript?
A VET transcript includes:
- student name
- name and identifier of each nationally recognised VET qualification completed since 1 January 2015 and the providers that issued each qualification
- name and identifier of each unit of competency or module of a VET course studied since 1 January 2015 and reported by the RTO through the national data VET collections, also known as AVETMISS (updated as the data becomes available)
- source of funding for the unit or module
- date the transcript was prepared
- outcomes of training.
Details of training outcomes include:
- the RTO that delivered them
- start and completion dates
- source of funding.
VET transcript example
See below for an example of a VET transcript.
Front page contents explained
The front page of the transcript contains the following information:
- Collection period is the period of time that the records have been pulled from
- Student’s name as entered in their USI account
- Any nationally recognised VET qualifications completed
- Name of the training organisation that issued the qualification
- Any nationally recognised VET units and modules completed
- Name of the training organisation that delivered the units, modules or subjects
- Funding source for any units, modules or subjects
- Outcome achieved for any units, modules or subjects
- Enrolment period for any units, modules or subjects
Back page contents explained

The back page of the transcript contains the following information:
- The transcript Disclaimer provides important information about the content of the transcript.
- The Explanatory Notes provide descriptions of the abbreviated values used in the transcripts for Unit/Module Outcome and Funding Source.
Creating a document that is not an authenticated VET transcript and claiming it to be an authenticated VET transcript carries serious penalties and is an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 and the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
What is not in a VET transcript
A VET transcript does not include:
- training that is not nationally recognised (even if delivered by a Registered Training Organisation)
- training submitted to NCVER or a State Training Authority without a USI
- training completed before 2015
- training commenced after data reported within the relevant current quarter
- training outcomes that changed after the last relevant annual or quarterly submission date
- higher education qualifications
- VET training delivered in a single day or less before 2018 may not show on a VET transcript as there was a temporary exemption from reporting the USI.
Full or extract of a VET transcript
Students can choose who can view their VET transcript and how it is viewed. They can give permission to third parties to view their full VET transcript or a VET transcript extract (found in VET transcript example above). This allows the student to select exactly which training to display.
Where is the VET transcript stored?
We do not store training information unless a student downloads a VET transcript. If a student chooses to download their VET transcript, they can select how long that information is available. The information is only stored for that time period.
Training data collection and VET transcripts
- training data used in a VET transcript is updated quarterly or annually
- most privately funded training providers report once a year and most government funded providers report every three months.
- the VET transcript may need to be read in conjunction with other documents if NCVER have not updated the national VET collection database. If the data has not yet been updated, students will need to rely on the statement of attainment or transcript issued by their Registered Training Organisation to show evidence of this training. Where qualifications or training documentation is lost before the database has been updated, students need to contact the Registered Training Organisation who delivered the training.
Process for gathering training data:
- training provider reports their training data to their State Training Authority
- State Training Authority reports all training data for their State/Territory to NCVER
- NCVER collect all training data Australia-wide.
Training data reported to NCVER:
- quarterly data will usually be included in a VET transcript the following month
- annual data will usually be included in a VET transcript within three months.
Example of quarterly and annual data collection periods:
Collection period | Collection opens | Collection closes | VET transcript updated no later than |
January to March | 1 May | 15 May | End May |
January to June | 1 August | 15 August | End August |
January to September | 1 November | 15 November | End November |
January to December (Annual) | 2 January | 28 February | Early May |
Find out more about specific collection dates.
Creating a document that is not an authenticated VET transcript and claiming it to be an authenticated VET transcript carries serious penalties and is an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995.
Protecting privacy
The privacy of individuals in the USI initiative is protected under the Student Identifiers Act 2014 and the Privacy Act 1988
Under the Student Identifiers Registrar’s terms and conditions, Registered Training Organisations applying for a USI on behalf of an individual must give the individual a privacy notice explaining how their personal information will be used.
An authenticated VET transcript contains personal information of the individual student, as defined in section 6 of the Privacy Act 1988. This means VET transcripts must not be copied or disclosed to any other person without the consent of the individual student.
Inaccurate or incomplete VET transcripts
There may be occasions where some information on a VET transcript is inaccurate or incomplete. Find out more about inaccurate or incomplete VET transcripts via the links below.