Crest of the Australian Government Unique Student Identifier-Logo

Giving us feedback  

We value your feedback to help us improve our service.  If you have a suggestion, complaint or compliment, we would like to hear from you.  

You can provide feedback and complaints anonymously. 

Ways to provide feedback 

  • use our online feedback form 
  • email
  • phone: 1300 857 536 between 8:30am and 4:30pm (ACDT), Monday to Friday (excluding national and South Australian public holidays.
  • write to:

    Compliance Officer 
    Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar 
    C/- Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
    GPO Box 9828
    Adelaide SA 5001 

Responding to your feedback 

When we receive your feedback, we will: 

  • recognise, promote and protect your right to complain about your dealings with the Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar 
  • treat all feedback seriously and keep correspondence and assessment confidential in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles 
  • ensure that we respond in a courteous manner within the response time of 30 business days 
  • keep you informed of the progress and final resolution of the complaint if we have your contact details 
  • advise on the next steps if you are not satisfied with our resolution of your feedback 
  • review all feedback to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to improved service delivery. 


People with a hearing or speech disability can use the National Relay Service (NRS) Call 1300 555 727 (speak and listen) and ask for 1300 857 536 or visit the NRS website for other options. 

A translating and interpreting service for people who have difficulty in speaking or understanding English (TIS National) is available by calling 131 450 (cost of a local call). Ask TIS National to call USI on 1300 857 536. TIS National provides interpreting in more than 160 languages and dialects. 

Some basic USI information is available in other languages and may help if English is a second language. 

Accountability and reporting 

Our staff are trained and aware of our procedures for handling your feedback. The Student Identifiers Registrar receives regular reports and is responsible for ensuring that complaints regarding the USI are appropriately handled. 

We are committed to delivering quality service to our customers and regularly review our feedback and complaint management procedures. 

Complaints about the USI 

To make a formal complaint about the USI, complete and submit a complaint. For more information about how we manage complaints, refer to our customer feedback policy. 

Complaints about training 

To make a complaint about the training, behaviour or administrative practices of an education or training provider, contact the National Training Complaints Hotline on 13 38 73 (select option 4). 

Fraud allegations 

For allegations of fraud made in the use or administration of the USI, or any allegations of unlawful conduct by staff in relation to the USI, email the Compliance Officer at or write to: 

The Compliance Officer 
Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar 
C/- Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
GPO Box 9828
Adelaide SA 5001 

Did you find the information you were looking for on this page?
On a scale of 1 to 5, please provide a rating for how useful the information on this page was in answering your question.
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Don’t include personal or financial information. For example your phone number, email or credit card details.

If you need help, please call us on 1300 857 536 or from outside on Australia +61 2 6240 8740. Our contact centre is open between 8:30am-6.30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time), Monday to Friday (excluding national and South Australian public holidays).


If you would like to provide feedback, please complete the feedback form.

Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar (OSIR)
Last Modified on Friday 14th February 2025 [218]