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VET transcripts

Keeping national training records together

USI account holders can access their VET outcomes online in the form of an authenticated USI VET transcript.

The authenticated VET transcript draws on information from the national VET collection database managed by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). 

The information is downloaded at that point in time and is not stored against your USI account. The VET transcript will not show :

  • any training completed before 2015
  • other forms of training such as higher education.

VET Logo





Nationally recognised training organisations use the symbol to the right on their training certificates. View training organisations and courses on the Your Career website

VET transcripts can be used:

  • as a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites for further training 
  • as a backup if the original documentation is lost and cannot be replaced 
  • to provide qualifications to employers and licensing bodies 
  • to reduce unnecessary retraining that can result from lost credentials. 

USI account holders can view, download, or share VET transcripts with: 

  • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) who have been granted permission by the account holder and have access to the USI Registry System
  • third parties, such as employers and licensing bodies, who have been provided with an electronic or hard copy by the account holder (view only).

Sharing a VET transcript

USI account holders can share a full copy or an extract of their VET transcript. Sharing is a convenient and secure way to prove qualifications and demonstrate pre-requisites for further training.

Sharing an extract of a VET transcript allows account holders to:

  • choose which achievements to display
  • remove training or achievements that are not needed for a particular verification process.

The VET transcript includes a clickable link and a QR code for accessing the online record from either an electronic or hard copy. When using the QR code, the name and document number will populate automatically to ensure accessing the record is quick and easy for third parties.

Inaccurate or incomplete VET transcripts

There may be occasions where some information on a VET transcript is inaccurate or incomplete. Find out more about inaccurate or incomplete VET transcripts for:

What does A VET transcript look like?

Front page















The front page of the transcript contains the following information:

•    collection period is the period of time that the records have been pulled from
•    student’s name as entered in their USI account
•    any nationally recognised VET qualifications completed
•    name of the training organisation that issued the qualification
•    any nationally recognised VET units and modules completed
•    name of the training organisation that delivered the units, modules or subjects
•    funding source for any units, modules or subjects
•    outcome achieved for any units, modules or subjects
•    enrolment period for any units, modules or subjects.

Last Page



The last page of the transcript contains the following information:

•    the transcript Disclaimer provides important information about the content of the transcript
•    the Explanatory Notes provide descriptions of the abbreviated values used in the transcripts for Unit/Module Outcome and Funding Source.

Creating a document that is not an authenticated VET transcript and claiming it to be an authenticated VET transcript carries serious penalties and is an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 and the Student Identifiers Act 2014.

Learn more about VET transcripts


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Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar (OSIR)
Last Modified on Wednesday 12th March 2025 [8]