Contact us: Privacy matters
For privacy concerns about the USI initiative, your USI account or how we look after the personal information we collect, read our privacy information.
Have you received a 'Your USI was searched' notification?
If your training organisation has been provided with your USI, you will receive an automated email or SMS/text message from '' alerting you that your USI has been searched. This normally happens when you enrol in a new training course. The organisation has not been given access to your account or the personal or contact details contained in it.
A training organisation should only search for your USI with your permission.
If you have any privacy concerns, please contact us.
Contact us by phone
Our contact centre is open between 8:30am and 4:30pm (ACDT), Monday to Friday (excluding national and South Australian public holidays).
Call us on 1300 857 536 or from outside Australia +61 2 6218 0994
Online contact form
Contact us by mail
Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar
C/- Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
GPO Box 9828
Adelaide SA 5001