Terms and Conditions – Creating a USI on behalf of another person
To create a USI on behalf of another person you must tick the box where it says ‘I agree to the terms and conditions’.
It is important that you understand and agree to these terms and conditions before using the USI Registry System.
The full terms and conditions are detailed below.
Applying for a USI on behalf of another person
You can apply for a USI on behalf of another person only if you have the authorisation of that person.
You must make the application in the manner and form approved by the Student Identifiers Registrar. You must not activate the USI account of another person by setting the USI account password and check questions and you must not ask another person to disclose to you their USI account password and check questions.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions you:
- confirm that you have the authorisation of the person on whose behalf you are applying and, if you are not the parent or guardian of that person, can produce evidence of this authorisation if required
- confirm that the person on whose behalf you are applying understands and consents to these terms and conditions, including the privacy notice, and, if you are not the parent or guardian of that person, you can produce evidence of this consent if required.
The person on whose behalf you apply for a USI will:
- receive written notification of the USI assigned to them
- be advised that you applied for the USI on their behalf
- be provided with a link to activate the USI account by setting a password and check questions to ensure that their USI information is protected from unauthorised access.
The personal information that you provide to the Student Identifiers Registrar about you and the person on whose behalf you are applying is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. The collection, use and disclosure of the USI is protected by the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
Further information about the protection of your information and that of the person on whose behalf you are applying, including how you or they can access and seek correction of your or their personal information held by the Student Identifiers Registrar, how to make a complaint about a breach of your privacy and how such complaints are handled, is contained in the Student Identifiers Registrar's Privacy Policy.
The personal information that you provide to the Student Identifiers Registrar will be disclosed to the person on whose behalf you have applied for a USI.
Provision of privacy notice to person on whose behalf you are applying
You declare that the person, on whose behalf you are applying for a USI understands and consents to the following privacy notice.
Privacy notice
The information provided by you through the USI application process:
- is collected by the Student Identifiers Registrar for the purposes of:
- processing my application for, verifying and giving a USI;
- resolving problems with a USI, and
- creating authenticated VET transcripts;
- may be disclosed to:
- Commonwealth and State government departments and agencies, Boards of Study, and specified Higher Education and VET-related bodies for:
- the purposes of administering and auditing VET and Higher Education, including education and training providers, VET programs, and higher education courses
- education related policy and research purposes; and
- to assist in determining eligibility for education and training subsidies, funding or financial assistance;
- VET and Higher Education Regulators to enable them to perform their VET and Higher Education regulatory functions;
- VET Admission bodies for the purposes of administering VET and VET programs;
- Tertiary Admission Centres (TACs) for the purposes of administering Higher Education courses;
- current and former registered education and training providers to enable them to deliver VET and Higher Education courses to me, meet their reporting obligations under the VET and Higher Education standards and government contracts and assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies and higher education funding;
- schools for the purposes of delivering VET courses to me and reporting on these courses;
- the National Centre for Vocational Education Research for the purpose of creating authenticated VET transcripts, resolving problems with USIs and for the collection, preparation and auditing of national VET statistics;
- researchers for education and training related research purposes;
- any other person or agency that may be authorised or required by law to access the information;
- any entity contractually engaged by the Student Identifiers Registrar to assist in the performance of his or her functions in the administration of the USI system; and
- Commonwealth and State government departments and agencies, Boards of Study, and specified Higher Education and VET-related bodies for:
- will not otherwise be disclosed without my consent unless authorised or required by law.
Personal information
When you apply for a USI on behalf of another person you are asked to provide the following personal information without which a USI will not be assigned to the person on whose behalf you are applying:
- your full name
- your email address or your mobile or landline phone number
- your relationship to the person on whose behalf you are applying.
In addition, if you are representing an organisation that is making an application for a USI on behalf of another person under subsection 9(2) of the Student Identifiers Act 2014, (and you are not a sole trader), you are asked to indicate the name of the organisation you represent.
The reason that you are asked to provide personal information is for the Student Identifiers Registrar to have a record of the person who has applied for a USI on behalf of another person and to enable the Student Identifiers Registrar to contact you in relation to the application if required.
Personal information of the person on whose behalf you apply
The Student Identifiers Act 2014 authorises the Student Identifiers Registrar to collect personal information about the person on whose behalf you are applying for a USI. When you apply for a USI on behalf of an individual who has authorised you to do so, you will be asked to provide personal information about that individual. This will include:
- name, including first or given name(s), middle name(s) and surname or family name or single name, and preferred first name or surname
- date of birth
- city or town of birth
- country of birth
- gender
- contact details.
Provision of personal information ensures that USIs are correctly assigned to individuals. If the required personal information is not provided, a USI cannot be assigned.
When you apply for a USI on behalf of a person, that person’s identity will need to be verified through the Document Verification Service (DVS) which is built into the USI Registry System. They can choose to provide their identity from a range of documents including their Australian passport, non-Australian passport (with Australian visa), Australian birth certificate, Australian driver’s licence, Medicare card, certificate of registration by descent, citizenship certificate or ImmiCard.
The information provided as evidence of identity in this application will be checked automatically by the DVS with the document issuing agencies (for example, Medicare Australia).
If the person on whose behalf you are applying does not have any of these identity documents available, please contact their training organisation for assistance.
International Students
When you apply for a USI we may access the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service, administered by the Department of Home Affairs. This will enable us to:
- confirm your Visa status
- determine whether you have landed in Australia and have gone through customs.
Note: if the fact arises that you are not entitled to be in Australia, the Commonwealth may use this information to locate you.
Retention and destruction of information
Section 11 of the Student Identifiers Act 2014 requires that personal information collected from a person solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on their behalf be destroyed as soon as practicable after the application has been made or the information is no longer needed for that purpose, unless required by or under any law to retain it.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you declare that you will not keep the personal information that you collected from the other person solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on their behalf, unless you must retain it by law.
The Student Identifiers Registrar:
- strives to protect information you provide on the USI Registry System. We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the USI Registry System and your information are not compromised. However, we cannot guarantee that no Harmful Code will enter the USI Registry System. You should be aware of the risks associated with using systems or websites.
- recommends that you use appropriate and up-to-date firewall and anti-virus software to protect your computer systems.
- advises that if you experience a problem or loss that is caused by the information you send to or via the USI Registry System, your computer being compromised in some way or by something beyond our control, we cannot take responsibility for causing the problem. We will do our best to help you if we can.
- advises that where connection to a system or website outside our control compromises the objectives of the USI Registry System we may sever links to that system or website.
- Harmful Code: any form of harmful surreptitious code or other contaminants, including viruses, bugs, trojan horses, spyware or adware.
- Loss: loss, damage, cost or expense (to any person or property) including consequential or indirect loss or any loss of profits, data or revenue.
- You and your: the user of the USI Registry System.
- Our, us and we: the Student Identifiers Registrar.
Security statement
The Student Identifiers Registrar will make every effort to ensure that:
- the data you give us will be safe
- your data is stored at a secure facility
- regular backups of data are performed to ensure it can be recovered in case of a disaster
- all access to the system is logged
- if any unauthorised behaviour occurs, the logged data will assist us in identifying and resolving the issue.
Protecting your computer
You should:
- install and activate security software on your computer
- ensure your security software includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall and anti-spam filter
- run regular scans of your computer for viruses
- remember to update your security software to ensure you are always running the current version.
Other steps you should take help protect your computer include:
- check your Internet browser’s security settings for ways to make your browsing more secure
- do not open email attachments if you do not know the sender
- only download files from reputable Internet sites
- be wary when exchanging files with colleagues or friends
- never click on hyperlinks in emails received from unknown sources.
Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Australian Government agencies are required to ensure information and services are provided in a non-discriminatory accessible manner.
The Student Identifiers Registrar website and the USI Registry System have been designed to meet the Australian Government standard established in respect of this requirement.
The USI Registry System is currently compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 1 (WCAG 2.0) standard. WCAG 2.0 is a technical standard developed under the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
If any information or service provided by the Student Identifiers Registrar is inaccessible to you or you are experiencing problems accessing content for any reason, please look at our accessibility page or contact us.
False or misleading information
Giving false or misleading information in relation to a USI account is a serious offence under Division 137 of the Criminal Code Act 1995.
Report any suspicious or unauthorised activity
Please contact us to report any suspicious or unauthorised activity relating to the USI or the USI Registry System.