Exemptions from the USI
All Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education students must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) if they are studying in Australia, or with an Australian provider.
Students may apply for an exemption from having a USI, however they must understand the consequences if they do not have a USI.
When applying for Commonwealth financial assistance or a Commonwealth Supported Place the student must have a USI and cannot apply for an exemption. Commonwealth financial assistance includes:
- VET student loans
- a Commonwealth supported place
- HECS-HELP assistance or FEE-HELP assistance
- OS-HELP assistance
- SA-HELP assistance in relation to student services and amenities fees.
International students do not require a USI if they completed all their study outside of Australia.
If the Student Identifiers Registrar grants the student an exemption they will receive a letter of confirmation. The student is prompted to provide a copy of their letter to their provider to demonstrate they are exempt from having a USI.
Instructions for training or education providers – student exemptions
When a student provides a copy of a USI exemption letter, providers do not need to:
- enquire with the student about the reason they are exempt
- ask the student to sign/accept a government-based privacy notice (the provider may have their own internal privacy notice about data they collect for their own use).
Providers delivering VET training should refer to Fact-Sheet-USI-validation for details on how to meet their AVETMISS reporting obligations or contact the NCVER by emailing them at support@ncver.edu.au.
Higher Education providers should email TCSIsupport@education.gov.au for guidance on how to satisfy their reporting requirements.