Authorised Representative
You can choose another person or organisation to be your authorised representative to communicate with the Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar on your behalf. This allows them to make enquiries or update personal details on your USI account.
We call this person or organisation an authorised representative.
An authorised representative will be able to:
- make enquiries on the USI account holder’s behalf
- update the USI account holder’s personal details
- update the USI account holder’s contact details
- get a copy of the USI account holder’s VET transcript.
A USI account holder can give permission to an authorised representative for a nominated period of time or on an ongoing basis.
The authorised representative can be cancelled or modified by the USI account holder at any time.
Arranging an authorised representative
There are two ways you can arrange for an authorised representative:
- Phone us with your representative, complete the usual proof of identity check questions, and verbally authorise us to speak to your representative during that phone call. This is considered ‘one-off’ authorisation and is only valid during that phone call.
- Complete an Authorised Representative form where you can choose for the person or organisation named on the form to be your representative for a specific period (e.g. several months) or ongoing until you provide further notice.
If you decide to complete an Authorised Representative for a specified time, it is important you understand that:
- you will be disclosing your USI to the person or organisation,
- that person or organisation may make enquiries or update any of your personal details associated with your USI account, and
- the person you provide authority to is required to conduct a proof of identity check about you and themselves when they contact the OSIR which must exactly match the details submitted on the form.
We may ask you to review your authorisation from time to time, to ensure the arrangement is still suitable. If you think your authorisation is being misused, it is important that you contact us.
Children under the age of 15
If you are a parent or guardian and are seeking to make enquiries for children under the age of 15, please contact us on 1300 857 536. You will be asked to provide proof of identity for that. Once proof of identity is confirmed, we will be able to discuss/action the following with you:
- look up and verify details of the USI account
- update personal and contact information
- review and discuss details of the student’s USI Transcript
- action a Help Request.
Please submit all forms to Please allow ten business days for your requests to be actioned and to receive an email response.
For more information
Visit our Give access to providers page.