USI in higher education
Domestic Students
From 1 January 2023, all higher education students, including those who commenced prior to 2021, must have a USI to:
- be eligible for a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) and Commonwealth financial assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP)
- to graduate and receive their award.
International Students
Higher education international students who commenced study after 1 January 2023 and will complete all or some of their studies in Australia, must have a USI to receive their award.
Note that international students cannot create a USI until they have arrived in Australia and cleared customs.
Higher education international students are automatically exempt from having a USI if they meet all the criteria below:
- they commenced their studies before 1 January 2023
- they studied in Australia
- they did not access Commonwealth financial assistance for their studies
- they are currently offshore and will not be returning to Australia prior to the conferral of their award.
Higher education international students do not require a USI if they completed all their study outside of Australia.
The Department of Education has advised that a USI must not be a mandatory requirement at enrolment for international students.
This policy also applies to international students wishing to study vocational education and training (VET).
What do students need to do?
Students who are commencing study should:
- check if they already have a USI (from previous vocational education or training)
- get a USI as soon as possible
- provide their USI to their Tertiary Admissions Centre or Higher Education Provider when requested.